Community Christmas Festival Website

Project Name: Community Christmas Festival Website Client Location: Moscow, IdahoDate: October 2020 Scope: In light of COVID-19 restrictions, we had to completely re-imagine the Community Christmas Festival. As we took new virtual directions with the event, it...

Kennedy for Senate Campaign Site

Project Name: Kennedy for Senate Campaign Site Client Location: Utah Date: March 2018 Scope: This project involved creating an all-new site for a senate campaign. This included a custom design that would be easy to navigate, along with enhanced security, speed, and...

Website: Dept of Multimedia Communication

Project Name: Department of Multimedia Communication Client Location: Dover, Delaware Date: March 2017 Scope: This was a component of an overall department rebranding, where we were bringing all of our marketing materials into a more modern design. I merged existing...

Department Brochure

Project Name: Department Brochure Client Location: Dover, Delaware Date: February 2017 Scope: I designed this brochure for our department to use in recruiting. Previously they had used a flier, but we wanted something easier to go through and in a more modern style....

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