World Family News Website Redesign

Project Name: World Family News Website Redesign Client Location: Arizona Date: July 2017 Scope: When I was contacted to work on this site, it was infected with malware and being blocked by Google. I first removed all malware from the site, reinstituted it with...

Family Good Things

Project Name: Family: Good Things Client Location: Rexburg Date: April 2015 to present Scope: This was a complete website development project. I built this site using WordPress, and designed the site logo. Today the blog has a reach of over 7,000 each week and...

BYU-Idaho Online Learning

Project Name: BYU-Idaho Online Learning Website Client Location: Rexburg, ID Date: February-March 2014 Scope: This was a huge site re-design project, and involved many custom-designed pages. We rewrote all content and restructured the site. I developed the color...

Fidelis Communication Web Page

Project Name: Fidelis Communication Web Page Client Location: Seattle, WA Date: October 2013 Scope: This was a complete site redesign. I created a home page, as well as a template for sub-pages and contact. Programs Used: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop   Next...

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